Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Best. Offering Call. Ever.

So in my dream I was at Alumni Weekend at DAA and was in the sanctuary between sabbath school and the main church service during a sound check on the stage. At some point, a very energetic yet misguided soul of a woman took the cue of some conference official and made an offering appeal, though there weren't twenty people in the audience yet. This is what I can remember:

You can transubstantiate yourselves into Hercules and shoot your eyes with heroin, which is much more painful that just giving a little extra.

But it was said much more haltingly. She was trying to be enthusiastic, but the words, and ideas for that matter, weren't coming to her quickly enough to support such fervor.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Be Well. Do Good Work.

Dreams came up in our conversation on the way home tonight. We started with the dreams of the subconscious, but ended with the dreams of life. Katie asked me what I wanted to be or do or become.

I answered that I wanted to be me. I'm going to try harder when "getting to know" people to avoid identifying them by what their job is.

Thinking more about what I wanted from/in life coming home after dropping Angela at her home, I was reminded of Garrison Keillor's sign off for his Writer's Almanac. I can't think of anything I would want more from life than to be well and do good work.

Being well means having health and contentment. Doing good work is much like the phrase "whatever your hand finds to do; do it with all your might." If I'm making a bowl of oatmeal, I want to make a damned good bowl of oatmeal. If I'm sleeping in, I want to embrace my rest completely.

Good night, and good luck.



At September 15, 2007 6:33 PM, Blogger CëRïSë said...

Ah-ha! This post is the reason I've had "Whistling in the Dark" stuck in my head!

Also, I finally saw "Good Night And Good Luck."

At September 28, 2007 3:35 PM, Blogger Amy said...

yes, please don't identify people by what their job is. mine shames me so i try to avoid speaking of it at all.

thanks for the positive feedback on my traditional fall post (formerly email). i appreciate it.

ground cherries, i think, are more trouble than they are worth. i still hope to get one batch of preserves out of the lot, though. maybe the quality of the finished product will change my mind about attempting to grow them again. really, they just need much more space than i allowed them. "sprawling" was not an overstatement. and i would rather have a fruit that waits for me to pick it rather than announcing its ripeness by falling off of the plant.


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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Parade of Stars

I closed out my summer with a bang.

It started last Tuesday when Katie (my carpool shark) asked me if I was hungry. I said yes and that we should go to Bread & Cup that night instead of Thursday, as we had planned.

Wednesday, as well documented in my previous post's comments, I went to Bread & Cup with Karen and Wendy. It was nice to be recognized by the Mrs. of the establishment, and the cheese plate was good too. I guess seven attendances between the 7th (the second day they were open) and the 29th, managed to make me recognizable at the establishment.

Thursday Bryant and his brother Bradley (and Bradley's wonderful miniature Australian Shepherd dog Sebastian) were in Omaha, so Karen, Wendy, and I went to eat with the Reynolds boys, Bryant's friend Val, her boyfriend Matt, his brother John, and John's wife Sarah. Espana (Omaha's tapas restaurant) was pretty good. I had rabbit, divers scallops, and snails along with Spanish tortillas and cannelloni stuffed with a tuna salad of sorts. Because of Sebastian, who wasn't allowed to stay at Val and Matt's apartment, I was happy to host Bryant and Bradley for the night.

Friday after a busy, busy day at work, I drove to Champaign, IL to visit Ellen.

Saturday Ellen and I went to Allerton Park, Montgomery's in Monticello, Turkish Restaurant Pasha, and Bombay Indian Restaurant. Allerton was great, but has very poor maps. Montgomery's was my first wine and cheese tasting: Danish blue with a syrah and Emmenthaler and a blanco. Pasha had a server, Dila, who really liked the phrase "You're so welcome." At Bombay, I had rasmalai, a dessert I'd never had, but oddly enjoyed.

Sunday Ellen and I had breakfast at The Crepe Cafe, where I also partook in some nocciola gelato (hazelnut). Then we went to the library, and Spurlock Museum, before we realized her amount of homework, and my desire to see Michael and Buffy, since they were only two hours away, added up to me going to Lafayette while she went to her computer.

Sunday night, I got to join Michael and Buffy, Casey and Gretchen, and Brian at Sgt. Preston's on the River. I really enjoyed getting to meet in person personalities I'd only known in the blogosphere and MySpace.

Monday, I stopped in Champaign for lunch at Papa Del's for some super stuffed deep dish pizza with Ellen. I also gassed up in Newton, IA so that I could get some of their local Maytag blue cheese. I haven't tried it yet, but apparently it is the tits.

As for dogs and their names, you already heard about Sebastian. At Allerton there were a sibling pair of fawn boxer/pitbull mixes, whose mother was a collie, named Honey and Baxter or Buster, some "B" name (maybe Ellen remembers). And during a pit stop in Malcom, IA, I met a chocolate laborador named Hershey.

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At September 06, 2007 7:41 PM, Blogger CëRïSë said...

Awww, I love Sebastian, too. And, of course, other people you mentioned!

At September 16, 2007 9:22 PM, Blogger Leah said...

That was a great synopsis of your trip. It was nice to hear all of the Champaign locations. Makes me homesick!


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