Thursday, May 20, 2010

Release the Kraken.

I finished that bottle of Gosling's, and since I've had no luck on the Barritt's front, I've postponed getting another one. In the meantime, I opened my other bottle of black rum from the Kraken. I've had it with my Shurfine ginger ale and another bottle of the Cock 'n Bull. I think I like the Gosling's better with the ginger ale than the Kraken, but I might prefer the Kraken with the ginger beer, at least in the Cock 'n Bull iteration, I didn't get that bitterness I was complaining about with the Gosling's and Cock 'n Bull. I might have a side by side when I get Gosling's again.

This weekend I'm headed up to the Twin Cities for a cousin's wedding.



At May 23, 2010 5:17 PM, Blogger CëRïSë said...

I just read that you were going to be in town, and you might already be gone. But you have my number if you have a minute to grab a drink or something!


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