Docus and Eigil

So today was fairly good. Orders slacked off so I was able to leave work about a half hour earlier than normal. This allowed me to go to the Husker's wrestling match tonight against Oklahoma State. I was very glad to see Fred Ambrose as the referee. He is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame and looks like a Turk.
After the dual, which the Huskers lost, I went to the last showing of The Last King of Scotland in Lincoln at The Ross. (Nevermind, I guess they've extended the run.) I now know why Forest Whitaker is winning all the awards so far for best male actor in a leading role. I really liked Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson, and DiCaprio did a good job in The Departed. But Whitaker was better. Near the end of the film, there are two grotesque scenes. They are a powerful part of the film, and what I'm afraid of is that they might even be integral to the film. And for a sidenote, Gillian Anderson is very attractive when blonde and tan.

When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are; it won't be answered.
Stern and Callum
Well-acted and pretty people; did you have other opinions on it? (I did respond to your question on my blog...)
Oklahoma State needs to play with the gaints...Yep me..The Gopher. Lol.
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